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Your donation changes the lives of kids in Henderson County by giving them camp experiences that empower them to grow as a person and as a leader. Through Camplify, they gain the skills they need to thrive now and as adults...all thanks to our donors! 

No matter how much you have to give, you can make a difference in the lives of Camplify youth!

If you prefer, you can also donate using Paypal by using this button. 


Seeking S'more Camplify Champions!

Camplify seeks 50 monthly donors to sponsor new 4th grade leaders-in-training. For just $30 a month (or $360 a year), you provide the gift of a lifetime - the opportunity to begin Camplify's nine year leadership journey. 


There Are Many Ways to Give

Your donation may be online, a planned gift in your will and estate planning, or to honor a loved one. All contributions are tax-deductible.  No matter your method, your contribution stays in the community and helps local youth. Our journey starts with a 4th grade child in need of camp. All it takes is $360 to enroll a student in a journey that will last a lifetime. Not sold? Join us at an upcoming event to learn more!

Your online donation is quick, easy and secure. Just click Donate and you’ll be taken to PayPal where you can complete the payment safely and securely.


Donate by mail
P.O. Box 751
Hendersonville, NC 28793

Katherine Parnell, Executive Director
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.